News ID: 7
Publish Date: 20:33 - 24 July 2020
Launch of six solar power plants with a total capacity of 33 megawatt in the ninth week of # everyweek_A_B_Iran campaign as a video conference

Six solar power plant projects in Fars province were inaugurated this morning, in the ninth week of the #Everyweek_A_B_Iran "Constructions" and "Mechanisms", by the order of the President and with the presence of the Minister of Energy as a video conference.
At the beginning of the ceremony, Dr. Satkin gave a report on the status of renewable power plants, the potential and latest information of renewable projects built in Fars province, as well as information related to six solar power plants operated in Fars province and explained about the advantage and benefits of these power plants.
The President emphasized that the construction and operation of these power plants will create a great capacity for electricity generation, he also expressed his satisfaction about reaching the megawatt-scale from kilowatt-scale power plants. He hoped that by developing solar energy technologies, we can witness that all our people can take advantage of this opportunity to generate electricity by having solar rooftops on their houses.
The inaugurated solar power plants in Fars province include three 10-megawatt power plants in the Kurdeh regions of Larestan, Darandegan Shiraz, Lamerd Energy-Intensive Industries Special Economic Zone and a 2-megawatt power plant in Turkan, Shiraz, as well as two 500-kilowatt power plants with a total capacity of 33 megawatts.
According to the report, the construction of these power plants during the construction and operation period has created direct and indirect jobs for 62 and 295 people respectively. It should be noted that these power plant projects have the capacity to generate more than 54 million and 109 thousand kilowatt-hours of electricity per year.
The total capacity of renewable and clean power plants in Fars province is 84.1 megawatt, which includes 10 solar power plants with a total capacity of 68.1 megawatt, a biomass power plant with a capacity of 1.065 MW, an wind power plant with a capacity of 0.66 MW and two hydropower plants with a capacity of 12.25 megawatt, as well as 331 small-scale solar rooftops with a total capacity of 2021 kilowatt.

Published: 1
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Iran (Islamic Republic of)
24 July 2020 - 20:41
very goog bargh news
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