News ID: 13
Publish Date: 17:34 - 02 August 2020
Two units of steam power plant in Jahrom, Fars province opened in presence of 1st Vice President of Iran, Eshaq Jahangiri, as Bargh News reports.

Two units of steam power plant in Jahrom, Fars province opened in presence of 1st Vice President of Iran, Eshaq Jahangiri, as Bargh News reports.

These two units with capacity of 160MW each will be synchronized to national grid till March 2020 at a total cost of €125 Million.

Director of Buy-Back contracts of Thermal Power Plant Holding (TPPH), Hamid Sardari said: “There are plenty of gas turbine power plants in Iran with capacity of more than 20,000MW operating at 32% efficiency”. He mentioned: “Construction of steam unit next to gas turbine power plant and converting gas power plants to Combined Cycle will rise the efficiency to almost 45%”.

“There are several gas power plants with capacity of 17,000MW which can be converted to combined cycle. This will add 8,500MW to generation capacity without extra fuel consumption”, Sardari said.

CEO of an energy services company, Taghizadeh, stated that: “Jahrom combined cycle power plant consists of 6 gas turbine units and 3 steam units with total capacity of 1,440MW”.

Taghizadeh mentioned: “Each steam turbine generator unit will conserve 250 million cubic meter of gas annual”. In other word, three new steam unit of Jahrom power plant will save €120 Million annually.

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